Really bad Cold

This is long so skip the bottom for the point:
So for over a week I've been sick. Like I can't even get out of bed sick. Went to the dr last week and she confirmed it was just a very bad cold. I've taken all the medicine I can possibly find, I hate being sick lol. Anyways I logged in realizing it's almost December and I haven't had a period yet. My period was supposed to start a week ago. I'm still sick today, I think it's the end of it but I'm sore and dizzy and naseous. My husband doesn't know my period is late yet I don't want to get his hopes up, I think he would be so happy to find out I am Preg before Christmas :) I'll test in a few days if I'm still late and if I can get to store to get a test. 
After all of that, has anyone else been insanely sick and ended up being pregnant? Thanks for the stories, I need a distraction from feeling so bad today! 
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Yes I did with my first child last year. I thought I had either a Really bad cold or sinus infection and couldn't get out the bed I was so sick! But my mom and older Co worker ladies for some reason knew I was pregnant! What is so weird is that I'm having those same exact symptoms now. Cycle should start tomorrow but we shall see.


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Yes I got a giant cold sore which only happens when I'm pregnant and I have had three different colds since finding out I was pregnant in October.   I don't own enough tissues for this