OPK positives for 6+ days... anyone ever had this?

Jennifer • TTC baby #1 since April 2015
I tested the 23rd and it was negative so I tossed it. The 24th was positive in the am, pm, and on the 25th in the am. I stopped testing like the box says. The 28th I felt a little crampy on my left side so I decided to retest. I haven't stopped testing bc they all are positive. I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, and it seems that people with that have that happen a lot. Also, I took a HPT, even though I felt like an idiot because it's too soon, just to be sure and it was negative. Any advice is welcome. This is just so weird! I use these every month and have never had this happen. I'm on month 10 of trying. Appt. With and fertility clinic on Wednesday.