Constipation...? TMI btw

Lacey • Mommy to an Angel 1.14.16; wife 9.24.16; rainbow baby 4.4.17 && Baby #3 Due 4.28.20
So I'm 24 weeks 2 days and I think I might have constipation. Not sure though. I have what's called a "B" belly so I'm carrying low (below my belly button) and then my stomach and everything else seems to be above my belly button. Well above my belly button is hard as a rock. It's difficult to breathe (no need for hospital) and my stomach is so sore. And I can't poop! But I'm gassy...? 
Any tips on what to do? 
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Posted at
I'm also a little backed up. I've been taking colace and drinking prune juice.I also do the coffee and water in the morning, alternating them to try to get it moving.


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Have a small cup of coffee. It'll do the trick ;)


Posted at
My belly is similar to yours. Fiber, vegetables, water, coffee, walking.  I'm a vegan and when I get constipated outside of pregnancy it's my hypothyroidism. Water, vegetables, and walking. Best natural laxatives ever!


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Colace and prune juice. 


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Colace and apple juice works well for me