"Earn" your sex

So I've posted about this a few times before... The day my husband and I got married, sex went from every other day to around once a week. Like clock work.... I'd try to talk to him about it, just to be sure he knew that my sex drive was way higher than 4 times a MONTH. And he'd basically make me feel like a sex hungry idiot every single time I initiated or talked about anything sex outside of our one a week. It started to feel like he used sex as a dog treat. Or some sort of reward when we did do it. Just yesterday he said something that rubbed me the entire wrong way
I'm on my cycle, which makes me super emotional, clingy, just different
I came home and did everything he usually does, just because I'm chemically imbalanced. And he says "I don't understand why you wait until you're on your period to do things to earn this...." 
Why is it ok for him to treat me like I have to earn sex? Would it be ok if I restricted him to once a week and made him earn the rest?? Doesn't our "I dos" entitle us to one another in that manner???
Am I just trippin y'all?????