Do you consider yourself a feminist?

Hannah • I love cats, psychology, knitting, food, and feminism. Twenty-two.
Just for your reference, a feminist is any person, of any gender, sexuality, race, religion etc. who believes in equality of genders; socially and economically. A person who believes that all genders should have the same opportunities, and be given equal respect in workplace, in public, in private and in social situations. Basically, feminism = equality. 
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To those of you who will say you aren't a feminist you are an "egalitarian": intersectional feminism accounts for all systems of inequality. Not just ones that women face. It includes race, religion, gender, sexuality, and even problems that men face due to the patriarchy. 


Hannah • Dec 10, 2015
Sam, thank you. You are awesome. Keep doing you. ✌🏻❤️


Sam • Dec 1, 2015
Involved shouldn't be a deciding factor of if someone is going to support feminism or not.


Sam • Dec 1, 2015
Exactly I feel the swim way!! We would be such good friends in real life😂. I hate how people need a thorough explanation of why men are included for them to get on board with it. Yes feminism is for trans men, men of color, disabled men, LGBTQ+ men, and more but the sole fact of it men being +


Posted at
Today, extreme feminists want women to be better than men. To me, I am more of an egalitarian; I prefer equality to all on earth. Men don't get maternity leave if they're partner dies in child birth. That's not fair at all to the child or the father. 


Sam • Dec 1, 2015
Then I'd encourage you to know what it actually is


Sam • Dec 1, 2015
And that's fine if you don't identify as a feminist. But if you don't know what real feminism is, not just the extreme feminism you see


Sam • Dec 1, 2015
Idk why you're getting so mad. Hannah explained everything that I meant.


Posted at
Here's something to think about. Before anyone jumps to commenting, read my ENTIRE post. I don't think it's honestly appropriate to call it "feminism". I'm talking about as far back as the "feminist" movement, although, this is 2015 and these days, a common argument is how a woman with a lot of sex partners is considered nasty, a whore, etc. while men get a high five for having sex all the time. Is that wrong? ABSOLUTELY, BUT I wouldn't say that me saying that it is wrong makes me a "feminist". Why? Well, doesn't every human deserve to be treated equally? That is pure common sense that no sex, race, religion, anything else you can think of, etc. deserves to be mistreated based on those things. It is called common sense. That's all it is IMO, but anyone can feel free to disagree. 


Ashley • Feb 5, 2016
Yes! Go E 🎉


E 🌺🐬🌊 • Dec 10, 2015
Okay but that is my point. Exactly my point. I was mentioning that I don't feel that it needs the title of that. It shouldn't even have to be a thing because everyone deserves equality.


Hannah • Dec 10, 2015
What you described is feminism. Feminism IS common sense.


Posted at
I wouldn't call my self a feminist these days because of all the hatred the name has now😒 but I know I am one. I'd call my self an equalist