what age for sex

what age do you all think is a good age to start having sex? 
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When you make enough money to be able to support and take care of a baby or get on birth control!


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It's not about the age, its about when you feel ready with the right person.


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There is no magic age. When a person is educated enough on the subject, has found the right person to share something so special with...AND is mature enough to handle everything and anything that could possibly come along with having sex...then maybe start. Sex is so much more than a physical act and a few minutes of fun can turn into a lifetime of who knows what! 


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18 is a good because bye then hopefully you are supporting ur self and hopefully by then you educated is bc department..


Sarah • Dec 1, 2015
a lot of 18 year olds can't support themselves


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when your with the right person you want to make that step with!


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Whenever you're absolutely ready to. 


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After 18


Nicole • Dec 1, 2015
No no birth control * lol


Nicole • Dec 1, 2015
Or if your using birthday control AND condoms


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I would hope that my child would wait until they are engaged, as I did. I was 18 when I lost my virginity to my then-fiancé-now-husband-of-7-years. We were each other's firsts.However, as long as my child is being safe every time (using condoms, on the pill or something as well) then I think sex at like 15 or something is occasionally okay... I hope I have a great relationship with my child, so that when they think they are ready for that level of commitment, they can talk to me about it.


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Sometime around college age


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When your able to understand the consequences of your actions both good and bad. Make sure your educated about pregnancy, STD's, STI's & incurable diseases