Hoplessly in Love

So at 18 my mexican bf left for mexico and it was the hardest goodbye hes ever had to say which made my feelings for him even stronger. Its been a year and a half and I am now 20. We bave been in contact the whole time just not as a couple because long distance a bitch. We talked a couple days ago and he admitted to me that he is still in love with me. Which of course is still how i feel about him but i never knew he felt that same till now. I am horribly conflicted about what to do. We are both old enough to have to plan for a future with school and jobs but i dont know if he wants me to be a part of his or not. Because he hasnt changed the reason i broke up with him is still there so i dont know if i can trust him. I just need some girl advice on how to rationaly talk with him about this so i dont get all angry or upset.