Anyone interested in a home birth ?

Shami • Rainbow baby
I'm not big on hospitals and i sure don't want to be on drugs giving birth how do you ladies feel about giving birth at home in water ? With a midwife ? I also looked into hypnobirthing as well to deal with pain.
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I'm doing a home birth. I was a little worried about it at first because I live in an apartment. But my midwife said she has done a lot at apartments and the managers said someone else had a home birth here before. I just need to make sure the neighbors know so they don't call the cops or something! I toured the hospital and even got an ob for a few appontments but just didn't like it. My midwife spends a lot of time with me and makes the experience special. She also includes my partner. 


Regina • Dec 2, 2015
I'm 23 weeks with a girl :) do it if you want to! I was worried about the money but this is so special and I don't know if we will have another one. Good luck momma! 💜


Shami • Dec 1, 2015
I'll love to do what your doing I'm in an apartment as well ! how far along are you. and do you know what your having. Super excited for you mommy to be i know your i love with your growing belly 😍💓💓💓


Posted at
My mom gave birth to both my youngest siblings at home in water with a midwife, and she loved it. She said it was better than any hospital. Birthing centers are a good happy medium too!


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My younger sister gave birth at a birthing center and it had a bed, huge tub, shower and it was beautiful. 9lb 10oz all natural baby! 


Shami • Dec 1, 2015
see I'm not sure if Jackson MS have good birthing center's and im very religious so i want a hebrew midwife or just let my sister help me give birth at home. I'm still waiting to test to see if Im pregnant sat I'll test. but its a good choice I'll have to research it.