Please help, nightmares and feeling violated

I don't know where exactly to post this but over the last couple over months I've had 4 nightmares in which I was being attacked /raped by a guy. (I have never actually been raped) I have however had a couple of sexual encounters in which I felt somewhat violated. Both times I was almost black out drunk , it was with 2 separate guys. Basically one I barely remember the encounter and the other we had sex and then he tried again and I mumbled no but he didn't listen. I feel like I'm  just oveerreacting it in my mind because I was friendly/ flirty with both guys during the nights before the sex happened. I've just regretted it and had this really uneasy feeling for awhile like I was violated or pressured to just  let it happen. I dont know if I'm overeating or what but I've felt really bad the last couple dsys😣  Am I just being stupid about it now?