Feeling overwhelmed!!!

My son came 2 1/2 wks early and he has a hard time latching so we've been using a nipple shield and it helps him, he can get milk that way too I just never know how much he's getting, I put him on both sides for about 10 min, and then give him a bottle if he's still hungry. My hubby took two weeks off and goes back next Monday, his parents and sister and boyfriend (whom I've never met) are all coming next week as well to visit, and I don't feel comfortable at all breastfeeding with them, especially his dad and sisters boyfriend here when my hubby's not here, I'm making a decent amount of milk too, I try to pump every 1-2 hrs, but with them here I may just do the bottle until my husband gets home... I just feel very overwhelmed especially when everyone's gone I feel like I won't be able to do it all by myself, my mom lives about 20 min away and said she'd come over whenever I need her, but I wanna know I can do this... I'm just scared shitless.... Any advice???