Vent--so much pain

I posted here last week that I had passed a gigantic kidney stone (I measured it and it was about a 1/4 X 1/8 in) and I'm still so sore. I know it's normal to have soreness after, but I'm just dreading passing another one. This is the third time it's happened all in the second half of pregnancy. I had multiple surgeries before getting pregnant for them so I know the drill so I refuse to go to the hospital because I don't want to pump my system with narcotics. Between the pain and my bp increasing with every visit I wish my midwife would just induce me. I know that sounds selfish and impatient but I just don't know how I'm going to tolerate hours of labor if
I'm in this much pain for the next two (possibly more if she's overdue) weeks. I sleep maybe 3 hours a night, and am uncomfortable all day. I take Tylenol and drink tons and tons of water but that's really all I can so at this point. Ugh 😖