First appointment....

I will be 4 weeks 4 days on the 8th when I go to my first appointment. I'm being seen early because I had an ectopic back in June. Will my doctor be able to tell if this baby attached to my uterus this early? What will be done? I can't focus on anything because I keep wondering if this is our rainbow baby! I wanna know now! A lot of people have already told me that my hcg levels won't rise like they are suppose to or they will stop and or drop if its ectopic but with mine my levels were rising normally. We didn't know it was ectopic until 7 weeks when I started bleeding and the ultrasound showed nothing in my uterus! Please give me any info y'all may have! I don't wanna get too attached to my little bean and get the same bad news as last time. I'm ready to share my news with everyone but I'm trying to hold back until I know for sure!