Over it....

Emily • I`m 38 TTC#1. I have 3 cysts on my left ovary, a blocked left tube (hydrosalpinx), a blocked right tube and polops on my uterus. Starting round 1 of ivf in Feb/March 2022.
I haven't been on glow for a month and I'm actually a lot less stressed. I'm over TTC. It's making me unhappy and why should I live my life that way? I want a child so bad but I can't force what nature doesn't wanna do. I've tried OPKs, temping, musinex, sperm meets egg plan.. You name it I've tried it. NOTHING. I'm gonna go back to focusing on what makes me happy and feel great which is working out in the gym and eating healthy. If it happens it happens but I'm over the heartache and stress. Good luck to everyone else!