Do you lie to your kids?


I saw a post about "lying" to kids about Santa and it gave me a thought:

"I tell my child it's 8pm (her bedtime) when it's 730pm sometimes!"

Some days I am so damn tired. I work for 10 hrs and am mentally exhausted. Sometimes I've been verbally degraded all day and just want the day to end. I go as long as I can then 7pm hits and I debate if I can get my little one to bed early and not have her realize the time.... I feel really bad sometimes; it's not her fault I'm beat. But sometimes it's like a mommy win. 30 extra minutes for me with no SpongeBob. Also, we do Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. And I think it's a sweet part of childhood.

Do you lie to your kids? What do you lie about? Do you ever feel bad?

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