Epidural vs natural birth?

Can those who've had pain medication and natural births please help sway me to pick a side? I've heard negative things about epidurals  but I want to be induced at 39 weeks and my doc said inducing is more painful so idk about it anymore... Help!
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If you have Netflix watch The Business of Being Born it's super informative.


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Why would you choose to be induced?! I had a natural birth and will never have a medicated one. It was a great experience. Just remember, your body was made for this.


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Natural births heal faster, tend not to tear much if at all, and be less painful. Also, an un medicated baby is able to help tge labor as the legs push off of the uterus more so than a medicated baby. Pitocin causes extra strong/painful contractions which make the need for an epidural understandable. Inductions also have a higher rate of c-sections. Ina Mae has a great book about birth, check it and others out.


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I will say that I had an epidural and I loved it. I don't have anything negative to say about it. My mom had 4 natural births. And they didn't bother her at all. But! Before I had my daughter I decided not to decide to have an epidural or not. I was going to see how I dealt with the pain first. The contractions hurt, but I could have definitely handled them. But I went into labor in the middle of the night and I was really tired. That's the only reason I got one, so I could sleep. Just do what you feel is right at the time and don't feel guilty if you got one if you planned on not getting one. 


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And I had very little pain before I received the epidural. I mean, I cursed a little cuz it hurt... But they gave me the epidural in the middle of the night (for both pregnancies) and I had the baby in the morning around 9 and 10. #TeamEpidural


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Do what you think is best and what you and your OB/Midwife agree to. I would LOVE to do natural birth because I feel as if that would be the most bad ass thing I could do, and the connection to my child would be so strong, but also having an epidural I've heard can be a lifesaver since your HOOHA likes to rip when you're having a little human head come out of you lol. I feel like pain would be unbearable without an epidural. But, woman have been doing it for centuries! Do your research completely and talk to your doctor. No opinion these woman on here will be able to sway you into the way that's best for you. ☺️


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U had to do what u feel best everyone is different I experience natural birth and epidural. And the only reason I went natural is because I got there to late. I say tried to do it natural if u can't deal with the pain u can always decide to go with the epidural just don't wait until it's to late. Good Luck!


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I was induced with my first. It's horrible the pain was too much I got the epidural it helped only so much since that labor was very long and tiring. I hated my first experience. Second time just had my baby the 24 went into labor with the help of a membrane sweep and I loved it. Of course it was shorter but painful I wanted the epidural but it was too late I'm glad though I was fine right away I felt amazing and powerful lol. But in my case the epidural helped with an induced labor. 


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Why do you wanna be induced?


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Set a goal "if I make it to 5cm I'm going to get the epidural." If you make it there and you need/want it then get it. If you make it there and you think you can keep going then do that. That's what I did and I was super happy when I made it to 5cm. I decided to get the epidural and everything went REALLY fast after that.