Re apt update.

So I went to the doctor in Indianapolis Indiana USA At community north. Go next week for blood work because I didn't have a chance yd, and was told if I didn't want to make 2 trips cause I have Togo back when Af arrive in about 9 days that I can get them all done then. But I have another hsg type test that is saline that only looks at the uterus and was told it was no where near an hsg in pain. And my so has a halo and chromosome test only. I got 3D ultrasound of everything, my left ovarie he said has a few lumps but he wasn't worried about that ye. Wich scared me! Ugggg Lol  but he's the doc... abut I love how he got straight to work and wanted this done! My INSURANCE  I have anthem blue cross blue shield silver plan threw my mom pays for all testing! All I pay is deductible $2,000 for me and ten they pay 100%!!! I have a no copay. And if it is cysts he will file it under ovarian failure and because it's organ failure they will cover <a href="">Ivf</a> and treatment as well! I hope it's not cysts, but I do cause I don't wanna pay without insurance help. But he is so straight forward and gets started with you ASAP! I love him! So if any of you are in the Indiana region dr david Carnovale is an amazing doc so far! He said we should have a baby by the end of January!!!!ahhhhhh after 5 losses and trying on our own for almost a year after the last one within 2 months we should be pregnant! We just cant have unprotected sex until all the test come back and he knows what's causing the mc. 🙏👍😍😇😁. I'm so freaking happy!!!! My cousin with pcos got pg within 3 cycles!