Could this be my month??

Shelby • Two Valentine`s babies TTC their own little love child. <3
Just wanting to pour out my hopeful anticipation to people who get it. Sorry, this is going to be a little long and rambling. I started with Geritol at the end of my AF week before last, and I've been taking it religiously. Glow says I'm on fertile day three, and we've been BDing every other day (at least) for the past week and a half. When I was supposedly starting my fertile week, I started feeing slightly nauseous, and looked it up and sure enough it's a symptom of ovulation. I've also had slight cramping and I've been super... ummm... "ready" lately lol and I've normally got a really low sex drive. Basically, this is the first time I've seen physical signs of my fertile week, and we've been trying for 11 months, almost to the day. I've always questioned how accurate Glow could be, since I've always had a kind of irregular cycle. In fact, I had no period for about 2 months recently which was VERY strange, even for me. When I talked to my BFF about it, she said her super regular set-your-watch-by-it AF got off course the month before she conceived, and her doc said it was her body realizing that it was time, and getting ready and helping the process. I'm hoping that all of this is my fertility finally all syncing up. Keep your fingers crossed for me! What hopes and signs and feelings have you ladies been having? I'd love to cross my fingers for you, too!!