
This may help some. I always assumed that I ovulated mid cycle around day 14 like all the papers say.. however 3 months after getting my implant removed. I was upset I wasn't pregnant when the first two were easy (we didn't try) well I bought one kit for ovulation.. I started on day ONE around day 3 (I was just finishing my period) the test came back high.. then I remembered.. (TMI alert but It may help someone.......when I got preg with my son I was on my period... and my daughter was right after...) iz kept testing sure enough my peak day was day 6!!!! Not day 14.. so my advice is have sex every other through your whole cycle!! Not just middle. I am hoping for a positive this month I am about a week from day one of next cycle. It's killing me to not take tests. Good luck 💫💫💫👶💫💫💫 baby dust! ;)