What is going on!

My period isnt due until the 12th...but I have had stomach pains off & on, my nipples are a little sore when touched, I have had heartburn off and on for a week & usually I don't eat breakfast, but for the past week & a half I get super hungry by 9am. I work nights so I usually eat something when I get home around 12am. I had a thick white discharge 2 days ago, that has turned into a light discharge. I am ttc for baby #2. My son is now 4 & I want him to have a sibling. I have been ttc for almost a year now. Can someone tell me what is going on? It seems I always get like this, except for the heartburn & the hunger...but I always get a BFN :/ I am driving myself crazy thinking about this!!! Forgot to mention, lower stomach pains & lower back pains. Feels like menstral cramps but I dont know.