How have y'all felt at 10 DPO? 👸🏼

MamaBear813 • Married Dec 2014 • TTC #1 since Nov 2015 • 3 failed IUI's • IVF • FINALLY PREGNANT after IVF #1 🙏🏼🙌🏼👶🏻💙 • Baby boy born July ‘18 💙
I'm struggling with the TWW. I'm at 10 DPO now. 
I'm having some symptoms:
• Sore breasts
• Nausea 
• Cramps
• Bloating
• Elevated temperature
• Increased CM
• Hungry/Thirsty 
I know these could all be my mind playing tricks on me, or they could be something very VERY special 🙏🏼
I want to take a test so bad but I know it's best to wait a few more days. 
How have y'all felt at this point?