Appt. results after 4th day Stims

Sienna ❄️ • 29 years old, trying with hubby for #1. 1st & 2nd pregnancies were ectopic. FET #1 failed.
This morning I had my first appt since starting stims to see how my follicles are growing. It went great 😊 The Doctor says my injections are working really good! He counted about 8 follicles on each ovary so far so that is exciting and he says most are in the 6-9 range at the moment with just a few measuring around 4. 
I feel much better knowing now that the injections are working which means I'm doing the injections correctly yay! Doctor wants me to start Ganrelix this Sunday and to continue my stims daily as usual.
Still no word on my E2 level but next appt will be on Monday and should hear about it then. Getting closer and closer to egg retrieval! Can't wait, I know it's silly but I feel like I'm so fragile right now since I'm carrying around all my eggs! 😂