Nausea Making it Hard to Eat Healthy

C☕️🐸 • Baby #2 (son) born Sept 2020!! #1 (daughter) was born summer, 2016! 💗 39. IIH diagnosis 2018.
Hey all,
My morning, afternoon and evening sickness/nausea is making it really hard to eat well this week. My food aversions are currently basically all the healthy things I was & should be eating .. Veggies gross me out right now as does meat and I'm finding fruit & junk food is the only thing that doesn't turn my stomach and I know this is HORRIBLE!! I am trying to lose weight right now and am at least walking every day, but my food choice right now is awful. I'm in trimester one so I hope this doesn't last too much longer... Do any of you have any suggestions on healthy non offensive things to eat when you're really suffering from nausea? I have to keep my weight from creeping as per Dr orders.