Discharged from my RE:(

JEN • Married 12/31/11 TTC since 1/1/12. We suffered a mc 12/23/14 :( started 2015 we did injections, still BFN, did 1 IUI BFN finally moved to IVF (long lupron protcol) in Sept. BFP! EDD 07/17/16
Friday was my last appt with RE our baby is doing awesome. 7w5d with a hb of 164. I'm sad that I'm graduating to the ob though. Those people knew me by my first name and I got a hug from everyone when I left. it was bittersweet, since my RE is on the 18th floor and my OB is on the 8th floor, I thought I would surprise the RE staff with something before hoildays, anyone have any suggestions?