Vitamins to increase Male Fertility💊

🎄☃️❄️Kayla❄️☃️🎄 • 27 yrs old & mother of 3 sons Aiden, Eli & Leo ❤️ TTC 3 years, 2 miscarriages & now sweet Leo is 3 months! 💞💖💖

Usually when we are thinking of increasing fertility, we are thinking of us ladies. We are trying to find all the things we can do to help ourselves get pregnant. But, ladies, we might be forgetting one important thing: our guys! That’s right, there is a lot of stuff they can be doing to help boost fertility chances as well!


Zinc is the MOST important mineral for male fertility. It has been shown to increase testosterone levels when taken in the amount of 15-50mg per day. It can also help with sperm count and sperm mobility. A deficiency of zinc can cause many reproductive issues for your man. Your man can get zinc from a variety of sources, such as oysters, turkey, lean beef, legumes and nuts. Of course, there are many supplements on the market that include zinc as well. You can find it in foods such as Oysters (six medium oysters have 16 mg), lean beef tenderloin (a 3-ounce serving has 4.8 mg), baked beans (a 1-cup serving contains 3.5 mg), Dark chicken meat (2.38 mg per 3 ounces). Also found in lamb, pork, shellfish, spinach, and pumpkin seeds.


Necessary for every cell in the body for energy production, CoQ10 is an important antioxidant that helps to protect cells from free radical damage, thus protecting DNA: it is necessary for sperm motility in semen. Additionally, studies have shown that CoQ10 can increase sperm health. He should take 100 mg a day especially if he low sperm count. You can find it in foods such as organ meats such as liver, kidney, and heart, as well as in beef, sardines, and mackerel, spinach, broccoli, andcauliflower.


This antioxidant helps protect the user from free radicals, while reducing the risk of birth defects, it's also another great source for increasing low sperm count. Recommended amount is 200-400 MCG a day. Find it foods like Brazil Nuts, Shiitake/White Button Mushroom, Lima/Pinto Beans, Chia Seeds, Brown Rice, Seeds (Sunflower, Sesame, and Flax), Broccoli, Cabbage, & Spinach.

🌟B6 &B12🌟

This vitamin is an important consideration for males since it can help increase sperm counts in men with low counts. Recommended amount of B6 is 2.6 mg daily & B12 is 25-100 mg daily. Food sources are in animal products such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, or dairy. It is also found in fortified breakfast cereals and enriched soyor rice milk. 

🌟Folic acid🌟 

New research suggests that folic acid can boost sperm health. Men with low levels of folate had increased risks for sperm that contained too little or too many chromosomes. If an egg is fertilized by an abnormal sperm it could result in a birth defect such as downs syndrome, or an increased chance of miscarriage. You should take 600-1000 mg daily. Food sources include lentils, dried beans and peas, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, collard or turnip greens, okra, and asparagus, and citrus fruit and juice.


L-Arginine helps to produce healthy sperm, and is a non essential amino acid. L-Arginine is a great supplement for sexual and reproductive health, and it can help your man’s sperm to become more mobile. L-Arginine is a good choice because it improves not only the quality, but also the quantity of sperm. Recommended amount is 500 mg every day especially if he has sperm issues. You can find arginine naturally in such foods as spinach, turkey, and seafood, as well as sesame seeds.


L-carnitine is essential for proper maturation and functioning of sperm. It is secreted in the epididymis, where its antioxidant properties help protect sperm from damage. Supplementing with L-carnitine can improve sperm count, quality, and motility in men with documented deficiencies in those areas. The higher the level of L-carnitine in the sperm, the higher the sperm count will be and the more motile the sperm. With a deficiency of L-carnitine, sperm development, function, and motility are all drastically reduced.

In a 2010 study in China, it was shown that L-carnitine is capable of significantly improving sperm motility and raising the rate of pregnancy, and is a safe and effective therapeutic option for low sperm motility. Health practitioners recommend men with sperm issues take 1-2 mg daily. Food sources are Red Meat(best food source) pork,seafood, chicken, and dairy products.

🌟Vitamin C🌟

An important vitamin for anyone, this one is even more important for guys who want to become dads. This antioxidant prevents sperm defects and helps them become more mobile. You can get vitamin C in supplement form, or by eating lots of citrus, and drinking orange juice. Make sure your man gets even more vitamin C than normal if he is a smoker, since vitamin C can reverse the detrimental effects that smoking has on sperm. Recommended amount is 100-500 mcg daily. Excellent food sources are orange, grapefruit, lime, and lemon, Papaya, strawberries, pineapple, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, and raspberries.

🌟Vitamin D🌟

Vitamin D is essential for the healthy development of the nucleus of the sperm cell, and helps maintain semen quality and sperm count. Vitamin D also increases levels of testosterone, which may boost libido.  Try to get a minimum of 400 - 800 IU of vitamin D each day. An 8-ounce glass of Milk has 98 IU and a 3 oz serving of Salmon has 360 IU. Cod liver oil, Tuna, Sardines, Milk or yogurt, Beef or calf liver, Egg yolks, &Cheese.

🌟Vitamin E🌟

This antioxidant is a power vitamin that assists in neutralizing free radicals in your man’s system, which affect the quality of his sperm. Much research has been done on Vitamin E and male fertility, with the Infertility Health Information Organizationstating that Vitamin E may actually help sperm penetrate the egg. You should take 400 IU of Vitamin E. Food sources are Wheat, Sunflower seeds, Almonds, sunflower oil, salmon, swordfish, etc.

🌟OMEGA 3 Oils🌟

Essential fatty acids are necessary to the production of healthy sperm. They improve sperm membranes and protect sperm from oxidative stress. Omega-3s stimulate blood flow to sexual organs and improve sexual function.  Inadequate intake of these fatty acids has been linked to poor sperm quality, abnormal sperm, poor motility, and low sperm count, largely because of their role in membrane structure. The recommended amount is 1,000-5,000 mcg a day. You can get some amounts food such as wild salmon, sardines, herring and other low-mercury cold water fish, enriched eggs, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.  Eating just over ½ cup of walnuts a day for 12 weeks improved sperm quality in healthy young men, according to researcher at UCLA.


Calcium plays a key role in ensuring good sperm motility. Without sufficient calcium, sperm lack the ability and energy to penetrate an egg.  Men should consume 250-1000 mg of calcium each day. Good calcium sources include skim milk (an 8-ounce glass has 302 mg) and yogurt (1 cup of plain yogurt contains 415 mg of calcium). 

These are just a few of the main vitamins and minerals that can help your guy improve his chances of making a baby. Just remember that consuming fruits, vegetables, grains and meats that contain each of the vitamins listed above is always a better alternative than a once daily pill, however the pill mixed with a healthy daily diet helps ensure that you receive the vitamins and anti-oxidant properties your body requires during preconception.