Really worried!!!

Audrey • Baby boy arrived Nov. 12! At 38 weeks exactly!💙
Is it possible for a newborn to get a cold? My little son is almost 1 month old but for the past two weeks he's had lightish green Mucus in his nose. I always had to use a bulb syringe to take them out. I looked it up online and it seemed normal. I decided to wait to call the Doctor bc they're really busy here. Besides, he was eating well and had lots of poo and pee diapers. Then for the past several days, they turned into white Mucus which I know means it's OK. But this morning I wake up to hear him breathing very heavily like his nose down to his throat is backed up! He even coughed twice during his sleep bc I don't think he could breathe. I finally called the pediatrician and am just waiting for her to call me back. Has any mom been thru this? I'm really worried to let my LO sleep bc I'm scared he won't wake up or something!!! Please help!