Jessica • 20 years old ^married to the love of my life💙 we have a daughter and a son 💙💕💖🤰👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
I am 3months of exclusively breastfeeding and ever since I started working and going to school I'm not producing much anymore I barely got an ounce at one pumping session :( I've tryed everything...I've drank like 2gallons of water,ate like I was eating for 5people I've pumped many time and nurses many time I've tryed warm water I've tryed hand expressing I'm just not getting much and it's making me cry because I don't want to formula feed 😭😞 I'm absolutely disappointed to were I'm just crying and deleted every social media besides this app and I just don't know what else to try to get my supply back up cause nothing is helping :( does this mean I'm drying up please help me get my supply back up😔😔😔😔