Can't stop crying

1. A week after I found out I was pregnant, I had dinner with my fiancé and I asked for a to-go box for my wings. Or waitress brought me a ranch to go for free without me asking and I got teary-eyed.
2. Yesterday, a girl I've known since high school but I hardly talk to posted on Facebook that she got accepted to her first choice law school. I started crying because I was apparently happy for her? Lol
3. Today I was talking to my cousin who works in the kitchen at an assisted living facility. Apparently there was a new resident who's having a hard time adjusting to living there and she asked for melon at breakfast. My cousin had to tell her that they didn't have melon at the time and this made the sweet old lady cry. My cousin told me this story and I started flat-out crying in the Target parking lot.
Pleeaaassee tell me that I'm not alone with constantly crying, whether it's happy or sad crying? Lol, I feel like I'm going crazy