Sharing my birth story

Paige • 24 years old, expecting baby #2 💗 I have a 20 month old daughter Piper and an amazing Fiancée Daniel 💙
As a first time Mumma I was dreading birth! And to my " suprise " all my nightmares of birth came true. Needles and blood and pain and yep pooping! 
I was induced at 42 weeks, I was taken in on Thursday the 13th of August. Being induced in my opinion is the worst thing! I would have much prefered things to happen " naturally " but they didn't! 
Long story short it was 3 days later that I was finally moved to birthing suit after days of different methods to bring on the birth! Once in birthing suit things felt like thru got worse and worse! I chose to get an epidural, so they set me up and called a doctor to perform the procedure. After a few hours still in severe pain the doctor told me " uh oh " we've accidentally punctured your spinal cord. So once again long story short, no epi! I was finally dilated enough to start pushing and my only pain relief was Gas which I wasent able to take during the pushing stage as I had to pay full attention! 40 minutes of pushing and I could feel s very very very strong burning sensation. Yep it was her head! And finally she came out! 
As I was holding my beautiful daughter who was only minutes old, the doctors all paused and were whispering to each other, they all rushed back down to my bottom part and  said oh no! I had 2 liters of blood pouring out of me. No answers as to why they just said quick get something to put this in by " this" they meant many many huge blood clots! 7 kidney dishes full to be persis! 
To this day I have major back pain from the failed epidural and I can't even hold my pee in even after doing countless pelvic floor exercises for the past 3 months! 
I don't regret having my daughter at all but I hope that if/when I have my next child, my birth story won't be as traumatic.