My precious baby boy!(IUGR)

Sasha • Mommy of 3 amazing little boys ages 1,6 & 7... 6 weeks and counting 😊

My beautiful baby boy is here!

At 30 weeks he was diagnosed with IUGR he was measuring at 27 weeks and in the 2nd percentile. I immediately started NST twice a week. At 34 weeks I was told that baby now measured in the 5th percentile and weighed approximately 4lbs 3oz. My doc recommended I be induced between 38-39 weeks. On 12/7/15 (yesterday) I went into L&D for a scheduled induction. I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. At 2pm we started the pitocin. At 9:43p I delivered my baby boy with no complications! He was 5lbs 11oz and 18 3/4 inches. I'm soo in love and grateful its over! (P.s.) My cousins' first son was also delivered yesterday, soo cool we got to experience it together and our boys have the same birthday! 🙌