Do you believe the government should tax junk food?

I watched Forks Over Knives a few months ago and changed my diet as a result. I've lost a lot of weight and feel and look far healthier but it's still difficult to go out and have junk food shoved in my face all the time. I was an overweight, borderline obese child and had a very unhealthy relationship with food growing up, I calorie restricted and starved myself then binged and although my weight did drop I was depressed and sick.

As an adult I'm no longer in such a bad place and it's a relief to finally find a healthy way of eating that works for me but I know so many young kids who were like me that are going through exactly what I did and it's heartbreaking. Yes, parents have responsibility but if their own education is sketchy then the vicious cycle is just going to continue, especially when young kids are being advertised to as well. Public health should be extremely important and I don't understand why junk food is so easy to get and constantly advertised.

There's so much of a focus on individual responsibility that we blame people instead of the way we're brought up with junk food shoved down our throats everywhere you go.

I've heard a lot of people speak out against taxing junk food though and was wondering on the opinions here because a lot of us either have kids already, are pregnant or trying for kids.

Sorry the options aren't great but I tried!

(I'm not focusing on obesity here, just because your genes mean you're less susceptible to weight gain doesn't mean junk food has any less of a negative impact on your health, it's just less visible)

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