I am so thankful for my big ass family.

Kwerkymurkie • I wish I was the moon.

I am 19 years old, and the first born child and grandchild on both sides. I was raised with such a close family and taught Family is the most important thing EVER. I have a huge family on both sides, and we are all VERY close. And for some reason the people in my family live FOREVER. Well, just recently my grandpa (who I'm very close to) was admitted to the hospital for pnuemonia that caused a heart attack and many more complications including severe anemia, diabetes, and he's weak he doesn't have much left to him. And here I am today, spending all day with him, getting his medicine, helping him walk, changing his clothes, feeding and bathing him, just taking care of him. It really got me thinking, my best friend literally only has Her sister, her two brothers and her mom and that's it. No dad, no grandparents, nobody except them. And it hit me, I am EXTREMELY greatful that I've got to be so close with my huge family, and gotten to know all these wonderful people who are my family, a part of me. Heck, I even got to meet and come to know my Great great grandmother who lived to be 109!!! It just makes me so thankful and blessed that these wonderful people are in my life and I cannot express that enough. ♡

Thanks for reading, I don't mean to brag, I just wanted to express my love for my family.