Birth control mahem

Today is the awfully dreaded day of the week. Gyno day!!... But besides that Sharon and I need to have a talk. At this point in my birth control journey, I'm near the end, my options are running thin, and honestly I would love to just be the person I know I am. You name it, I've most likely been on it. Since I'm forever switching birth controls , im also forever bleeding!!! 😭😭 oh hey look it's a normal day ... Then all of a sudden you feel that feeling and RUSH to the closest bathroom. I would love something that says " don't plan on having babies for two to three years?? Here's this easy birth control that will be amazing and not make you bat shit crazy" 
Anyone else have trouble with over four different birth controls? My numbers pretty rediculous. Anyways wish me luck guys.... I don't know how today's gana go!