Wake up in the middle of the night with severe pain

Samantha • 💙👦🏻04-18-16 💜👧🏻11-09-18
Okay so I really need your opinion! I've been having some lower pelvic pain the past few days and attribute that to round ligament pain. But, last night I woke up in the middle of the night while sleeping on my right side and I was in severe pain. My belly felt heavy as I laid on my side and it hurt to even move. I got up to pee and felt a little better but still was having severe, excruciating pain to the point where it felt like my muscles in my stomach were ripping. I am almost 21 weeks so I am not very big yet. It took about an hour to go away and then I was able to fall back asleep. Today I felt fine but am still having some pelvis pain on the right side and lower back pain. Any opinions or advice? Is this normal? This is my first!