Pregnant or not?

Hiya I need some advice I have pcos and even though I have it my periods do be regular but I misscarried in June 2015 still my periods were ok they never went up or down so now I'm November I started trying to conceive again and I am 7 days late now it's December but my tests are coming out negative I dnt know what's happening I've got all my early pregnancy symptoms but still negative tests and my doctors not that good if I go to her and say I think I'm pregnant she's going to start giving me a lecture and saying I told u not to get pregnant why did u blah blah blah I'm hoping probably it's happened to someone else and later on after 7 days they got a positive on there test. Please can someone help me and put me out of this misery,. I would love a baby I wish I could be that fortunate. Fingers crossed