In a relationship with a narcissist?!

Anyone have any experience or been in a relationship with a narcissist? I'm pretty sure I have been dating a narcissistic asshole for 2 years. The reason I say that is bc he is older, very charming, loves for me to tell him I need him, loves the chase, but he has a big ego, kind of cocky, he's never ever wrong, lies but I can't catch his ass, justifys everything he does, gets offensive if I call him out, he just has that I don't give a fuck attitude, but he's fine as hell! But the more research I do, I really think he's a narrcasist and I'm a co dependent! He has been the best and worse thing that's ever happened to me but I have completely lost my spontaneous, outgoing, loud, like to have fun, dance, laugh, attitude bc he says I'm immature and that's not how I should conduct myself with children. I'm not trashy, I promise! He just loves to put me down but to him, I'm the problem. It's all me...I want to know yalls story if you've been with a narcissist