Feeling lost!

37 weeks and 4 days already, bub tried to come at 27 weeks but lucky we managed to stop her from coming and then was told not to see a midwife as I was now a high risk pregnancy so I only see a dr, ask the dr about what I need to no eg birth plan as I dont no yet and he was like that should have been done already and it has not. Also I have not been checked internally for dilation or how big bub is or anything only reason I no about a few things is ready on the Internet but I thought the dr should have done these thing automatically and not me run to Google and have to see what should have been done. Only seeing a midwife after jumping up and down on monday which makes me 38 week. Ladies please help with any suggestions and things I should no by now as the only thing they have done for the last 10 weeks is checked bubs heart beat, my blood test, my belly measurements and that is ALL.