Re-homing pets..really long rant

Has anyone ever had to find a different home for their pets? I'm crying as I'm typing this because it's so hard to even think about but honestly I am thinking it's time for my fiance and I to give our 3 precious fur babies to new forever homes. Sometimes I think I'm being selfish for wanting to keep them. I love them with all my heart literally these dogs mean more to me than anything ever but sometimes I feel like we don't have enough time to give them the lives they deserve. They've only ever been with us their whole lives though so it makes me nervous to give them up..but I feel they deserve homes where they can run around outside and take long walks with their owners...something my fiance and I have trouble providing. I feel they also deserve to go to homes that know they can really afford the vet visits or would be able to afford if anything emergency wise ever happened to them...also something I know my fiance and I can't do. It would break my heart to split them up though and idk how easy it would even be to find a loving home with people I trust that are willing to take all 3 of them. I'm just so emotional right now trying to decide what I should do. My fiance doesn't agree with getting rid of them but I don't know....can anyone who's gone through this before give me any advice or support? I'd really appreciate any kind words or words of wisdom or suggestions.