Opks before AF

Andrea • Mother to twin girls age 10, two boys ages 7 and 4 and two baby girls 3yrs & one 16 months ❤️
Ok so heres the thing. I ovulated on Thanksgiving, I had negative opk's everyday after that u could barely seen a line if any at all. The last couple days I have been feeling not so good in the morning, and thought maybe it is because of this really strict diet I just started. Well I took an opk few days ago and the line was darker than normal so I took another one the next day and it was darker than before and another one even darker than that today/yesterday. My period is due today. I am thinking it will be positive when i take one later today and I can't figure out why. Normally when I am not ovulating i have to squint to see the line thats barely even there. So why are they getting darker days beforey af?