Dreams end in Ectopic

Been trying to conceive for about two years. I already have twin girls and am longing for a son. I finally got my BFP on 24th Nov confirmed by doctor although by then we had cooled off on trying so hard. But I ended up with thrush so went to doctors to discover I was actually pregnant. Was so shocked and excited. About a week later I started getting brown discharge which was ongoing so I went to EPU where they couldn't see anything so took bloods and said I could be early or could be an ectopic. I went away sad I didn't get to see any proof of baby. But still positive and hopeful they'd see something soon. So I had to go back every two days until my hcg was above 1000 and they would see something on the screen. And they did there was my precious pregnancy growing in my tube. My heart broke I just felt useless. That was Sunday my birthday was Monday and I felt down but kept a brave face for my daughters Tuesday I went in to do more bloods to see if the pregnancy would stop by itself and as they scanned they saw I now has fluid which they believed to be the start of an internal bleed as the tube ruptured. I was admitted in the spot and prepped for surgery. I am home today and the kids have got off to school and it's just hit me. I have lost a baby. My precious little baby I've been praying for for two years. Came to me and went within two weeks of me knowing. I feel broken. I kno I have twins already and I know how lucky I am to have them because some people don't even have 1 yet and go through this. But it doesn't make my loss feel any different from theirs. I just wanted to tell my story and maybe connect with anyone who is  or has experienced this in their ttc journey. 💫💛