I need help Would you leave your family for a chance to be successful..

Morgan • Firefighter 👩🏻‍🚒🔥 first time mommy 💕 baby Ellison due may 26th 2018 😍
Well figured I'd get some more opinions before I make a decision.. If given the chance you could go to college and chase your dream profession but had to leave your boyfriend and family behind and move for like 2 years would you? I'm having a tough time deciding I'm stressed to the max if I left I know I might lose my boyfriend and I've lost a lot he's the reason I get out of bed everyday and am able to smile.. I don't think I could do this without him but we would be 1,500 miles apart.. I want to be a firefighter and I want to go to a good school.. My father lives where I will be going to college but he is only staying until May so if I left I'll have to get my license and a car but also a house before May.. I'm not so sure if I should go anymore but if I don't I might not be able to chase my dream career.. I just don't have anyone here willing to workout and help me get through school with motivation to be successful.. Figured I'd ask some of you ladies I'm so scared.. My family said take the risk and leave cause if I don't I'd regret it.. But would I really? I just don't know and I have to make up my mind soon.. Sorry this is so long I hope I get some feedback on maybe some things to do..