Help ladies - TMI picture included!

Caitlin • 24 - PA - Happily Married - TTC#1
Yesterday my OPKs were not coming up positive but I was lightly spotting and had the slightest cramps. I did have ewcm and I'm predicted to ovulate this week. I can say that I workout so I drink a lot of water and that may be the issue in having with my OPK. Anyway, when I would go to the bathroom yesterday I would have some streaks of blood on the toilet paper but nothing to be worried about and it didn't happen every time. This morning when I got up I was able to get a picture of it. Now mind you, there's a lot because it was fmu but it's not typically that much. I've been BD every other day since AF ended and then this week I've been BD every night hence its my fertile week. We used PreSeed last night and the night before. I do have slight cramping again today. What could it be???