The pic below has 2 to stste from lastnight at about 11:40pm and the last test is from this morning! I've never used the strips I've always used the clear blue digital that has the flashing smiley and the solid smiley.... so this is cycle/month #4 with Clomid and im on Cycle day 15 today and the last 3 months I have ovulated between cycle day #11 & 13 I at least got a FLASHING SMILEY... well on cycle day 11 & 12 I used my last 2 tests and got the "O"..... so am I stressing too much or beings there are 2 lines does it mean its detecting the hormones or not? Am I about to ovulate? I just need somewhere advice...THANK YOU FOR READING... BABY DUST TO ALL TTC AND A HAPPY HEALTHY 9 MONTHS TO THOSE ALREADY BLESSED