How do I word this to family

I started Christmas shopping right after Christmas last year picking up sale items and what not for our kids. I had a small amount to work with this year. I am now on bed rest and have been for a month with 3 1/2 months til I deliver so I am not able to work. I had to quit my decent paying job as an office assistant. My husband is an EMT so he doesn't make much for money God bless his heart he works 14 hours a day to still make hardly anything. He is supporting our family of 4 soon to be 5 on his little income. We are late paying bills, behind on bills and unable to buy for anyone other than our children (the stuff i bought throughout the year up til now. Not a lot) we aren't gifting each other and we are perfectly okay with that. Our daughters birthday is also 2 days after Christmas. Every year his family has a Christmas party where everyone is expected to buy for each member about 12 people. We always have before since we were able to until this year. We are unsure how to tell our family we aren't in a position to buy for anyone besides our kids this year because his dad & step mom are so hard on him. They always say he doesn't have money, he's not good at making financial decisions when in fact my husband is very good at budgeting money he chose to help people knowing it would be little pay. We have a 5 year old home he bought all on his own. Anyways how do we explain this to them about Xmas without the judgment we will get either way?