How do I word this to family

I started Christmas shopping right after Christmas last year picking up sale items and what not for our kids. I had a small amount to work with this year. I am now on bed rest and have been for a month with 3 1/2 months til I deliver so I am not able to work. I had to quit my decent paying job as an office assistant. My husband is an EMT so he doesn't make much for money God bless his heart he works 14 hours a day to still make hardly anything. He is supporting our family of 4 soon to be 5 on his little income. We are late paying bills, behind on bills and unable to buy for anyone other than our children (the stuff i bought throughout the year up til now. Not a lot) we aren't gifting each other and we are perfectly okay with that. Our daughters birthday is also 2 days after Christmas. Every year his family has a Christmas party where everyone is expected to buy for each member about 12 people. We always have before since we were able to until this year. We are unsure how to tell our family we aren't in a position to buy for anyone besides our kids this year because his dad & step mom are so hard on him. They always say he doesn't have money, he's not good at making financial decisions when in fact my husband is very good at budgeting money he chose to help people knowing it would be little pay. We have a 5 year old home he bought all on his own. Anyways how do we explain this to them about Xmas without the judgment we will get either way? 
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Posted at
I would suggest letting them know that due to being on bed rest, your financial situation is not allowing extra expenses. Also, they cannot expect you guys too buy for 12 people, plus your kids. Could you suggest maybe pulling a name from a hat and only buy for that person? It would not only save you money, but everyone else. Christmas should be about the kids.


Cassandra • Dec 10, 2015
We do this in my family, on my father's side. Everyone use to buy a gift for everyone. That's now up to 18 ppl. Now we do Secret Santa. We each write down 3 things on a little piece of paper with our name on it, put it in a hat and we each pick one name. And we have a simple $30 expectation on gift.


Aerial • Dec 10, 2015
How can they be disappointed in someone that is actually providing? I don't know your husband, but if he likes/loves his job- it shouldn't matter what his income is. He is working!


JTJKH • Dec 10, 2015
For 12 people.


Posted at
Okay pintrest is my bff so many ideas, Creamy holiday mintsHomemade extracts Sugar suckersDiy peppermint candy bowlsHme mde satin hands from mary kaySeasoningSugar scrubs all sorts Candles- use broken crayons Peppermint ornaments Magnets with pictures Coffee sugar scrubBath bombsHandmade hand warmers from old clothes Coasters from scrabble piecesHave kids draw on wax paper with permenamey markers transfer onto candles with hair dryerMittens from shrunken sweatersMicrowaveable heat packs which are awesome Crockpot apple butterJellies and jams Log coasters if hubby has chainsaw and woodPictute frames made by kids- old puzzle pieces, barbie shoes, old toys look coolPoems Letters Learn to crochet. Lol Cook books- miniWhat we love about you cards


JTJKH • Dec 10, 2015
I know how to crochet :)


💥Firecracker💥 • Dec 10, 2015
Love this!!


Posted at
This is a tough one. Thank your husband for me! I am a huge supporter of our service men and women. The best advice I can give to you is to just be honest with them. Covering up the truth for fear of hurting others will only make it worse. You are in a position that requires your attention on you and your growing family. If they truly love you and care about you, they will understand. 


Posted at
You don't need to explain anything to anyone, just tell them you won't be partaking in the event this year.


Posted at
You just have to be honest, there is no shame in not being able to afford for others when fiances are already limited. You have a family of 4 about to be 5 all on one income, you have a lot on your plate. I had to do that this year, I am recently married (less than 2 weeks) and my husband and I are trying to move out of our apartment into a house before before our baby comes in April, I had to tell my family that I am not doing gifts this year, they all understand.


Posted at
I'd just be straight up. My husband's family typically exchange gifts, but with a large family and several new babies on the way we, as a family, felt that was fine. If you still feel like you want to take something, maybe make a batch of goodies to share, etc.


Posted at
Thats so annoying. Christmas is just materialiastic these days. Thats like all my friends who have 3 or more kids who always invite us to birthdays. I dont want to go and spend money on your kids 3 times a year when I can spend it on my 1 kid lol. Just dont go to the Christmas party and tell them you're excluding yourselves thus year because you're going through a rough time.


JTJKH • Dec 10, 2015
I'd love to tell them we aren't coming & trust me I tried then she switched the day bc she thought it was a time issue w/my husbands work schedule when really I was just trying to avoid going


Posted at
Just till your family you will not be participating in the gift giving and you don't expect to receive anything either. You don't have to tell them your business that's between you and your husband. If they can't respect your decision oh well, besides we should celebrate the real reason for the season which is Jesus. Jesus didn't care about gifts but the love in our hearts and that's what Christmas should be about. Love not material value and family coming together as one because you never know who will not be with you next year.


Posted at
Omg best idea, make cookies, why do they have to be store brought i just make some goodies and wrap them up. It be selfish and rude to not accept anything made from the heart esp if hubby and the kids make them


Samantha • Dec 10, 2015
or make ornaments, maybe do hot chocolate reindeer or chocolate covered spoons those are always a huge hit.


JTJKH • Dec 10, 2015
That was another idea BUT then his Step mom informed me they make cookies Xmas morning with the grandkids ...ugh! Sometimes I feel like she makes things up to sabotage me