8 days post d&c

Elizabeth • 28, married (4.6.13) ....mommy to John (11.3.14) Blighted Ovum (D&C 12/3/15) - baby #2 due(3/30/16)
Im 8 days post D&C (blighted ovum) and I have stopped bleeding completely .. It was never heavy to begin with, only used very thin pads .... Im surprised that the bleeding has stopped though, i was expecting it to go on for a couple of weeks. And, i feel like i might be ovulating within the next week???? I know it sounds strange but i know exactly when im ovulating bc my sex drive goes up DRASTICALLY and of course EWCM follows ... No ewcm yet but i am definitely itm to have sex which i very rarely am .. Thats why its a dead ringer for me .... Im going to go buy a preg test to make sure its neg and that all hcg is out of my system and then will start OPKs .... Could i really ovulate this quick after a d&c though? I mean, im sure its going to be nseveral more days but still that feels super quick to me... I hope its possible!!!!