
BabyCC • Off the pill for more than 2 ears but TTC properly for about 6 month. This journey has been more difficult than expected
A bit out of topic but I have decided to try a fertility bracelet!! Have any of you ladies tried one? Some of you might thing is C *ap but I believe we charge ourselves with positive or negative energy from different places or people. I am not deluded in thinking that this is magically going to make me pregnant I am just taking a different approach of my life and the way I think and do things!! I would like to hear some of your opinions about this!! 
Update: After 4 years of trying last December we finally conceived. I've been wearing this bracelet for a month. Now we have a 5 month old perfect daughter. I do believe the universe has a plan and things happen when they are meant to happen. So if you are TTC please don't give up hope it is worth all the heartache.