Stop saying "don't stress"

Brianna • My dh and I are trying to have our rainbow baby. We ve had recurrent miscarriages since 2012 but are still hopeful and positive. Wish you all the best of luck and joy on your journey to growing your
I've had 3 MC'S and with my last pregnancy EVERYONE said "stop stressing, everything will be fine. Stress is bad for the baby." In my opinion, telling a woman this whose had even 1 MC or was told there could be complications by the doc is downright inconsiderate. Not only are you telling her to achieve the impossible (relaxing) but if she does lose the baby all those comments WILL linger in her mind. She ll likely feel like she should have been calmer and maybe it would have saved the pregnancy. Unless you ve been there and understand then please choose your words wisely and with compassion. "Don't stress" will not help. I've seen women on here telling others to "stop stressing" and I just think it is rude. When you feel every move you make could be the wrong one and the doctor tells you to come back in 2 weeks to see if your baby has a heart beat you will not be able to remain relaxed and not worry. That is not wrong, that is not intentionally hurting your baby, and that IS a result of loving a baby you ve not yet held and not wanting to lose it. Just my thoughts.