Pregnancy and Auto Immune Disease

Bridget • Battlebuddies11_16
In 2011 after having my son I was diagnosed with Sjögren's Syndrome a connective tissue disease.  I was told at the beginning of my pregnancy I was to be high risk because my body could cause what is called Heart Block and make the babies heart beat slow down to 60 bpm!  I have had a lot of ultrasounds checking the Pulse Rate Intervals and had a scare here and there but now at 30 weeks 4 days everything with his heart seems fine. But my fluid level, which has been at the lower end of normal, is below average and I have had bad Braxton Hicks contractions! Blah! Fortunately with a quick test my Dr could tell me my bag of water hadn't started to leak and I would deliver at 39 weeks! I was surprised I wouldn't go to my due date so no Valentine's Day baby for me. Now we hope he isn't growth restricted which can also happen or develop baby lupus!