Blended families

Jennifer • TTC#2

I am a mother of a 6 year old girl, and I have a long term boyfriend. He is the love of my life, and my daughter is my world (obviously she is my #1 love, forever). My daughters father is in and out, lives several states away, and is flaky. My boyfriend is strick, or "serious" as my daughter puts it. The two of them but heads all day, every day. He thinks its because she wants me and her father to be together, its possible but unlikely because we haven't been together since she was 2. I think it's because he is not her dad. Recently I told him to back off of the "parenting" side, and tried to encourage the "fun" side. I want their relationship to blossom, and I want us to be a happy family. I don't want her to be the grown up years from now saying I chose a man over her.

How in the world can I get them to find common ground, and love each other?? I am so tired of fighting in my home.