Hopeful, optimistic or just plain delirious

pretty unique Thompson
I am due for af 12/10 and today I went to the rr and when I wiped I saw what I thought was the beginning of af. Very light and faint pink. I went back to work and I kept feeling super wet as if I had a heavy af so I would constantly rush to the rr thinking af was going to b heavy, but it wasn't it was pink with a whole bunch of mucus. This continued for a couple of rr trips. Every time I go to the rr and I wipe its more and more but not like a normal cycle. When I got pregnant with my daughter I had implantation bleeding but maybe only one or two wipes and that was it. This is not like a normal cycle ( I know my body) there is something different. The color, the mucus, the flow. IT HAS ME VERY CONFUSE. But I also think its too much coming out for me to consider it implantation bleeding. My question is has any of u ladies experience heavy implantation bleeding and got a bfp. If so how long did it last. Or I'm I just being crazy in making myself believe there is still hope when there is not bcs af is making its dreadful appearance😩 please b honest.