Misoprostol- Abortion pill

Hey everyone,
So I found out I was pregnant a few days ago; due date August 16. I even took 4 pregnancy tests just to be sure; I couldn't really believe it. I'm only 19 and a college student, and the father is my abusive ex, so I knew I couldn't keep it. Yesterday I told my friend, and it turned out she had Misoprostol from a pregnancy scare a little while ago, and still had the perfect amount for a self-induced abortion (wasn't expired, I checked). After doing tons of research online, I did the three rounds of oral administration (by keeping the pulls under my tongue for 30 minutes). I'm not going to lie, the cramping was severe and brought me to tears, I was vomiting, had diarrhea, and had chills and sweats like no other. However, it's been 24 hours now and still absolutely no bleeding. So, I'm assuming that the abortion did not work, for one of three reasons: I'm not actually pregnant (highly unlikely at this point), I was the 10% that the pills didn't work on (and could try again), or I have an ectopic pregnancy (also unlikely but I do have endometriosis and smoke- two known causes of ectopic pregnancy). 
At this point I'm freaking out because I know I really can't keep it, and I only have 6/7 days to abort, since I've got set plans to travel to another country to see my family for the Christmas holiday and I'd like to keep it a secret from them as well. I get back on the second week of January, but obviously with abortions earlier is much better than later.
So, any ideas on why the pill didn't work and what my best plan of action is? My plan right now is to go to the hospital tomorrow to say I'm pregnant and experienced severe cramping and want to make sure everything is alright (I don't think doctors are too fond of the idea of self-induced abortions without doctor's consent). Hopefully the ultrasound will tell me everything I need to know. 
Any other suggestions/ideas/comments? This has never happened to me before and to be honest, I'm completely in the dark as to what the proper way to approach this issue is. 
Thanks guys, really appreciate it.